Emergency Repair or Replacement is funded by The Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program designed to assist Low Income Families with either the repair or replacement of heating or cooling system that are not working properly.

Who Is Eligible?

Families that fall into the Federal Poverty Guidelines, Poverty, Elderly, Disable, Children and those with High Energy Burdens.

How Can A Family Enroll?

All counties in WV can apply online at the link below.  Wyoming and Fayette County families they can call the Matheny Administrative Office at 304-682-8271, ext. 101 for Angela Beaver or ext. 117 for Gerald Brown, to request an application be mailed out or families can come into the Matheny Administrative Office at 33 MountainHeart Lane Matheny WV 24860 to pick up an application in person.

Apply Online

Gerald Brown, Program Director Image

Gerald Brown

Weatherization Director
